Vocational School Paula Fürst in Fürstenwalde (since 2002)

“Social professions with a future”

The vocational school Paula Fürst was first in Hangelsberg, it was our first founded educational institution in 2002. With the opening, we entered a new territory for the first time. The school offers a full-time school-based vocational training.

In 2010 the school moved to Fürstenwalde into a modern and future-oriented building.

The “new” school is a training facility with a modern architecture:

  • Bright classrooms
  • Well-lit and open gallery
  • Technically well-equipped computer cabinets
  • Nursing cabinet
  • Large workshop area
  • Teaching kitchen

With the new building we also adapted to the demands of the labor market as more nursing staff and nursery school teachers are needed. Since then, the school has offered trainings in social professions.

Today, the vocational school is a training location for young people from Fürstenwalde and the regions around Berlin and Frankfurt (Oder). Around 170 students from 8 classes and 13 teachers are currently filling the school with life.

Training Offerings

  • 2-year training to become a state-certified social assistant
  • 3-year training to become a state-approved nursery school teacher

Further Training Opportunities

  • 7-month qualification course for curative educator to become a nursery school teacher

This means that our vocational school is a state-recognized substitute school that combines the vocational school and technical school under one roof.

Elective Subjects

In our nursery school teacher training program, the compulsory elective area in the 2nd and 3rd year is a fixed entity. These additional training courses serve to expand and deepen the knowledge in the area of child and youth welfare. We also offer the specialization “Montessori education” and “experiential education”.

Montessori Pedagogy – “Help me to do it by myself”

This much-quoted slogan underlines the goal of Montessori pedagogy to give children important impulses for their individual development through a stimulating learning environment. Our students have the opportunity to obtain the Montessori diploma from the Heilpädagogische Vereinigung e. V.

Experiential Education

Experiential pedagogy is committed in the traditional progressive pedagogy – and very successfully. It gives an emphasis on nature, experience and community thus purposefully connects them. Experiential pedagogy offers a wealth of individual learning options and experiences. It has become an integral part of working with children and young people.

Bachelor of Arts “Social Pedagogy and Management”

Starting autumn 2021, we will be offering the “Social Pedagogy and Management” course. This course is offered in two different designs – an integrative and a consecutive model. In turn, that gives our students the opportunity to continue their studies to graduate as a state-recognized social pedagogue while already working.

You can find more information about our vocational school Paula Fürst at www.ausbildung-fuerstenwalde.de.

